Amplify: design systems, Figma component libraries, and accessibility updates.
I was an intern at Amplify—an ed-tech company based in Brooklyn, NY.
I worked on multiple cross-functional teams and was assigned tasks along varying stages of the development timeline; I collaborated with designers, teachers, developers, and curriculum experts to produce content to supplement children's learning outside the classroom.  
Summer 2022
8 weeks
My Role
Design Intern
Table of Contents
I worked in three different scrums in an Agile environment at Amplify, so I was exposed to the various stages of the design process. Here were some of the responsibilities I had at Amplify:
  1. Migrated game components from Sketch to Figma to create a component library for future reference. The team was in the process of shifting to Figma, and the team needed a one-stop-shop for all game components. I was responsible for kickstarting the initiative.
  2. Used the newly created component library to rebuild the games on Figma. Each frame of the game had to be redrawn in Figma. I redrew three English games; in total, that was about 50 frames.
  3. Applied keyboard and visual accessibility recommendations to the games I was in charge of redrawing on Figma. I made updates to color contrast, icon consistency, and keyboard accessibility to ensure no one has a lesser experience playing Amplify's games.
  4. Collaborated with senior designers to brainstorm two new math games for K-3 children.
  5. Wrote playtest plans to test new math game concepts and understand how children respond to feedback.
  6. Used Figma to create a high-fidelity prototype of a game results/scoreboard screen for the UX research team to use for testing.
A slide from my intern share out showing some of the brainstorm work I did for a new math game.
Brainstormed screens for a new math game of equivalent expressions (i.e. 5+5 = 10-5)
Image of my intern share out demonstrating an example frame of the game and how I rebuilt the frame in Figma with accessibility updates.
Example frame: rebuilding games in Figma
I had a great and rewarding experience at Amplify. I grew not only as a designer, but as a team player. These were some of my takeaways from the experience:
  1. I polished my Figma skills; I better learned how to use Figma components.
  2. I learned how to be a meaningful contributor in a cross-functional setting—communication and empathy is key.
  3. I learned how to apply good accessibility practices, such as color contrast, and keyboard/screen reader compatibility. Interning at Amplify made me realize the importance of picking "good" colors. There are many colorblind users on the internet, and poor color contrast can really diminish their experience.
  4. I improved as a communicator. I was blessed with the opportunity to brainstorm and prototype new games with senior designers and curriculum experts. I became more confident in sharing and defending my designs.
  5. User testing with children is a whole different experience to user testing with adults. I learned the importance of giving children the time to explore, allowing them to share their imagination, and resisting the urge to intervene.